2011 year, 900 moto hours, 600 treshing hours, 9m. POWERFLOW header, 9500L, rotor, exellent condition
2011 year, 900 moto hours, 600 treshing hours, 9m. POWERFLOW header, 9500L, rotor, exellent condition
Very tidy powerfull 2007 year, 4x4 combine 390kW(523 hp), header VARIO 9m.,rape cutters, troley, all systems works very nice, rotors exellent conditions, wheels 900/55 R32 "MICHELIN", 3441 motor hours, 2473 treshing hours
CASE CF80 2000 year, very tidy, nice working combine harvester, 6.6m cutting bar, rape table, trailer, 800/65 R32 wheels, hydro, power flow
Sale of tractors spare parts:
Rimantas Gasiūnas +37069805909
Sale of combines spare parts:
Ernestas Gasiūnas +37061063243